Reasoning is very important subject in any competitive exam like banking, SSC, Railway exam, interview etc.
As the time duration of the competitive exam is very less ,so to get a good mark an exam you need to score very well in reasoning section.
In this tutorial we discuss about Number Series, Letter series, Coding and decoding, clock, calendar, Blood relation, Seating arrangement, Time Sequencing, Ranking, cubes, dices, Direction sense, Analytical puzzle and much more. Each of these topics available with simple and useful examples.
In every chapter of reasoning we give shortcuts tricks to solve the problem in a faster way.
You can also use our tools like calculator ,calendar ,clock ,prime number finder that are available in tools on the top of the page.
In this tutorial, the learning speed is up to you.
If you know the basic thing then it is very easy to learn reasoning other wise read the basic things and example that are given in this tutorial.
Reasoning is very easy if you go through example because example is better than 1000 word of explanation.