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How To Integrate atom Payment Gateway in PHP With Database Connection

Atom is one of the best and user friendly online payment gateway. It comes with all modern payment option like debit card, credit card, net banking, UPI, EMI option etc.

It is very easy to integrate in your website, App. Also you send Payment link for a perticular amount through Atom payment button.

Please follow the below four step to integrate Instamojo in your PHP website.

  1. Apply Atom by click on this link.
  2. Copy the below files and upload in a folder.
  3. Put your authenication key, private key and working key in the files where it required.
  4. Run the index.php file now.

Note: http://localhost list not working in instamojo payment gateway. So please add your domain name in redirection URL.



 * Author  : Mr. Ankit Sharma (21/11/2018)
 * Designation/Company    : Web Developer/atom technologies ltd.

class AtomAES {

    public function encrypt($data = '', $key = NULL, $salt = "") {
        if($key != NULL && $data != "" && $salt != ""){
            $method = "AES-256-CBC";
            /*Converting Array to bytes*/
            $iv = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
            $chars = array_map("chr", $iv);
            $IVbytes = join($chars);
            $salt1 = mb_convert_encoding($salt, "UTF-8"); /*Encoding to UTF-8*/
            $key1 = mb_convert_encoding($key, "UTF-8"); /*Encoding to UTF-8*/
            /*SecretKeyFactory Instance of PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 Java Equivalent*/
            $hash = openssl_pbkdf2($key1,$salt1,'256','65536', 'sha1'); 
            $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($data, $method, $hash, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $IVbytes);
            return bin2hex($encrypted);
            return "String to encrypt, Salt and Key is required.";

    public function decrypt($data="", $key = NULL, $salt = "") {
        if($key != NULL && $data != "" && $salt != ""){
            $dataEncypted = hex2bin($data);
            $method = "AES-256-CBC";
            /*Converting Array to bytes*/
            $iv = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
            $chars = array_map("chr", $iv);
            $IVbytes = join($chars);
            $salt1 = mb_convert_encoding($salt, "UTF-8");/*Encoding to UTF-8*/
            $key1 = mb_convert_encoding($key, "UTF-8");/*Encoding to UTF-8*/
            /*SecretKeyFactory Instance of PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 Java Equivalent*/
            $hash = openssl_pbkdf2($key1,$salt1,'256','65536', 'sha1'); 
            $decrypted = openssl_decrypt($dataEncypted, $method, $hash, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $IVbytes);
            return $decrypted;

            return "Encrypted String to decrypt, Salt and Key is required.";






require_once 'AtomAES.php';

class TransactionResponse {

    private $respHashKey = "";
    private $responseEncryptionKey = "";
    private $salt = "";

     * @return string
    public function getRespHashKey()
        return $this->respHashKey;
    public function setResponseEncypritonKey($key){
        $this->responseEncryptionKey = $key;
    public function setSalt($saltEntered){
        $this->salt = $saltEntered;

     * @param string $respHashKey
    public function setRespHashKey($respHashKey)
        $this->respHashKey = $respHashKey;

    public function decryptResponseIntoArray($encdata){

        $atomenc = new AtomAES();
        $decrypted = $atomenc->decrypt($encdata, $this->responseEncryptionKey, $this->salt);
        $array_response = explode('&', $decrypted);
        $equalSplit = array();
        foreach ($array_response as $ar) {
            $equalSub = explode('=', $ar);
            $temp = array(
                $equalSub[0] => $equalSub[1],
            $equalSplit += $temp;
        return $equalSplit;


    public function validateResponse($responseParams)
        $str = $responseParams["mmp_txn"].$responseParams["mer_txn"].$responseParams["f_code"].$responseParams["prod"].$responseParams["discriminator"].$responseParams["amt"].$responseParams["bank_txn"];
        $signature =  hash_hmac("sha512",$str,$this->respHashKey,false);
        if($signature == $responseParams["signature"]){
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;




require_once 'AtomAES.php';

 * Version 1.0
class TransactionRequest
    private $login;

    private $password;

    private $transactionType;

    private $productId;

    private $amount;

    private $transactionCurrency;
    private $transactionAmount;
    private $clientCode;
    private $transactionId;
    private $transactionDate;

    private $customerAccount;
    private $customerName;
    private $customerEmailId;

    private $customerMobile;
    private $customerBillingAddress;
    private $returnUrl;
    private $mode = "test";
	private $transactionUrl;

	private $nbType = "NBFundTransfer";
	private $ccType = "CCFundTransfer";

	private $reqHashKey = "";
	private $salt = "";
	private $requestEncypritonKey = "";
	private $responseEncryptionKey = "";

    public function setRequestEncypritonKey($key){
        $this->requestEncypritonKey = $key;
    public function setResponseEncypritonKey($key){
        $this->responseEncryptionKey = $key;
    public function setSalt($saltEntered){
        $this->salt = $saltEntered;
     * @return string
    public function getReqHashKey()
        return $this->reqHashKey;

     * @param string $reqHashKey
    public function setReqHashKey($reqHashKey)
        $this->reqHashKey = $reqHashKey;

     * @return string
    public function getRespHashKey()
        return $this->respHashKey;

     * @param string $respHashKey
    public function setRespHashKey($respHashKey)
        $this->respHashKey = $respHashKey;

     * @return the $login
    public function getLogin()
        return $this->login;

     * @param string $login
    public function setLogin($login)
        $this->login = $login;
     * @return the $password
    public function getPassword()
        return $this->password;

     * @param string $password
    public function setPassword($password)
        $this->password = $password;
     * @return the $transactionType
    public function getTransactionType()
        return $this->transactionType;

     * @param string $transactionType
    public function setTransactionType($transactionType)
        $this->transactionType = $transactionType;
     * @return the $productId
    public function getProductId()
        return $this->productId;

     * @param string $productId
    public function setProductId($productId)
        $this->productId = $productId;
     * @return the $amount
    public function getAmount()
        return $this->amount;

     * @param string $amount
    public function setAmount($amount)
        $this->amount = $amount;

     * @return the $transactionCurrency
    public function getTransactionCurrency()
        return $this->transactionCurrency;

     * @param string $transactionCurrency
    public function setTransactionCurrency($transactionCurrency)
        $this->transactionCurrency = $transactionCurrency;
     * @return the $transactionAmount
    public function getTransactionAmount()
        return $this->transactionAmount;

     * @param string $transactionAmount
    public function setTransactionAmount($transactionAmount)
        $this->transactionAmount = $transactionAmount;
     * @return the $transactionId
    public function getTransactionId()
        return $this->transactionId;

     * @param string $transactionId
    public function setTransactionId($transactionId)
        $this->transactionId = $transactionId;
     * @return the $transactionDate
    public function getTransactionDate()
        return $this->transactionDate;

     * @param string $transactionDate
    public function setTransactionDate($transactionDate)
        $this->transactionDate = $transactionDate;
     * @return the $customerAccount
    public function getCustomerAccount()
        return $this->customerAccount;

     * @param string $customerAccount
    public function setCustomerAccount($customerAccount)
        $this->customerAccount = $customerAccount;
     * @return the $customerName
    public function getCustomerName()
        return $this->customerName;

     * @param string $customerName
    public function setCustomerName($customerName)
        $this->customerName = $customerName;
     * @return the $customerEmailId
    public function getCustomerEmailId()
        return $this->customerEmailId;

     * @param string $customerEmailId
    public function setCustomerEmailId($customerEmailId)
        $this->customerEmailId = $customerEmailId;
     * @return the $customerMobile
    public function getCustomerMobile()
        return $this->customerMobile;

     * @param string $customerMobile
    public function setCustomerMobile($customerMobile)
        $this->customerMobile = $customerMobile;
     * @return the $customerBillingAddress
    public function getCustomerBillingAddress()
        return $this->customerBillingAddress;

     * @param string $customerBillingAddress
    public function setCustomerBillingAddress($customerBillingAddress)
        $this->customerBillingAddress = $customerBillingAddress;
     * @return the $returnUrl
    public function getReturnUrl()
        return $this->returnUrl;

     * @param string $returnUrl
    public function setReturnUrl($returnUrl)
        $this->returnUrl = $returnUrl;
     * @return the $mode
    public function getMode()
        return $this->mode;

     * @param string $mode
    public function setMode($mode)
        $this->mode = $mode;
     * @return the $transactionUrl
    public function getTransactionUrl()
        return $this->transactionUrl;

     * @param string $transactionUrl
    public function setTransactionUrl($transactionUrl)
        $this->transactionUrl = $transactionUrl;
	public function getnbType() {
		return $this->nbType;

	public function getccType() {
		return $this->ccType;
	public function setUrl($url) {
		$port = 443;		
	public function setClientCode($clientCode) {
		if($clientCode == NULL || $clientCode == ""){
			$this->clientCode = urlencode(base64_encode(123));
		} else {
			$this->clientCode = urlencode(base64_encode($clientCode));
	private function getClientCode() {
		return $this->clientCode;
	private function setPort($port) {
		$this->port = $port;
	private function getPort() {
		return $this->port;

	public function getChecksum(){
        $str = $this->login . $this->password . "NBFundTransfer" . $this->productId . $this->transactionId . $this->amount . "INR";
        $signature = hash_hmac("sha512",$str,$this->reqHashKey);

        return $signature;

    private function getData(){
		$strReqst = "";
		$strReqst .= "login=".$this->getLogin();
		$strReqst .= "&pass=".$this->getPassword();
        $strReqst .= "&ttype=NBFundTransfer";
		$strReqst .= "&prodid=".$this->getProductId();
		$strReqst .= "&amt=".$this->getAmount();
		$strReqst .= "&txncurr=".$this->getTransactionCurrency();
		$strReqst .= "&txnscamt=".$this->getTransactionAmount();
		$strReqst .= "&ru=".$this->getReturnUrl();
		$strReqst .= "&clientcode=".$this->getClientCode();
		$strReqst .= "&txnid=".$this->getTransactionId();
		$strReqst .= "&date=".$this->getTransactionDate();
		$strReqst .= "&udf1=".$this->getCustomerName();
		$strReqst .= "&udf2=".$this->getCustomerEmailId();
		$strReqst .= "&udf3=".$this->getCustomerMobile();
		$strReqst .= "&udf4=".$this->getCustomerBillingAddress();
		$strReqst .= "&custacc=".$this->getCustomerAccount();
        $strReqst .= "&signature=".$this->getChecksum();
        $atomenc = new AtomAES();
        $encData = $atomenc->encrypt($strReqst, $this->requestEncypritonKey, $this->salt);
        return "login=".$this->getLogin()."&encdata=".strtoupper($encData);

     * This function returns transaction token url
     * @return string
    public function getPGUrl(){
        if ($this->mode != null && $this->mode != "") {
            try {
                $data = $this->getData();
				return $this->transactionUrl . "?" .$data;
            } catch ( Exception $ex ) {
                echo "Error while getting transaction token : " . $ex->getMessage();
        } else {
            return "Please set mode live or test";
	private function writeLog($data){
		$fileName = "date".date("Y-m-d").".txt";
		$fp = fopen("log/".$fileName, 'a+');
		$data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." - ".$data;



    $datenow = date("d/m/Y h:m:s");
    $transactionDate = str_replace(" ", "%20", $datenow);
    $transactionId = 100;
    require_once 'TransactionRequest.php';
    $transactionRequest = new TransactionRequest();
    /*Setting all values here*/
    $transactionRequest->setCustomerName("Test Name");
    $url = $transactionRequest->getPGUrl();
    header("Location: $url");


    require_once 'TransactionResponse.php';
    $transactionResponse = new TransactionResponse();
    $arrayofdata = $transactionResponse->decryptResponseIntoArray($_POST['encdata']);