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HTML List With Example

HTML Lists are used to specify lists of information.

There are three different types of HTML lists:

  1. Ordered List (ol)
  2. Unordered List (ul)
  3. Description List (dl)

Ordered list:

An ordered list typically is a numbered list of items.This will list items using plain bullets.

The opening list tag must be <ol>

    <h3> Ordered List </h3>
        <li>Item one</li>
        <li>Item two</li>
        <li>Item three</li>

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Unordered Lists:

An unordered list is a bulleted list, similar to the menu on the right.


        <li>An item</li>
        <li>Another item</li>

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Definition Lists:

This type of list is used to define and describe terms, much like a dictionary.


Define a Definition List - <dl> </dl>

Set the start and end of a definition list. All entries go within the dl tags.

Definition Title - <dt> </dt>

The title of a term being defined or multiple terms with the same definition.

Definition Description - <dd> </dd>

The definition of a term.


        <dt>Term 1</dt>
        <dd>Definition of term 1</dd>
        <dt>Term 2</dt>
        <dd>Definition of term 2</dd>

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