Reasoning Aptitude Verbal GK Quiz

Aptitude boat and stream

Boat and Stream problem are depends on concept of Speed, Time and Distance.

Still water

If the speed of the water in the river is 0 then it is called as Still water.

It is denoted as Bs.


If the water of a river is flowing at constant speed then it is called as stream.

It is denoted as Cs.

Down stream

In a river if a boat direction along the stream then it is called as Downstream.

It is denoted as Ds.

Down stream= still water+stream

Up stream

In a river if a boat against the stream then it is called as Up stream.

It is denoted as Us.

Up stream= Still water - Stream

Important Formula

  1. Ds=Bs + Cs
  2. Us=Bs–Cs
  3. If the speed of a boat in still water is x km/hr and the speed of the stream is y km/hr, then

    speed down stream=(x + y)km/hr

    Speed Up stream= (x - y)km/hr

  4. Speed of the boat in still water=( down stream speed+ upstream speed) / 2
  5. Bs=(Ds + Us)/2

  6. Rate of stream= (Ds-Us)/2
