BPUT MCA Communicative English question paper 2013

Total number of printed pages — 3 MCA
MCC 106

First Semester Examination — 2012-13
Full Marks -70
Time: 3 Hours

Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any five from the rest.

The Figure in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1. Answer the following questions: 2*10

(a)When verbal and non-verbal messages disagree then which message does the receiver consider more truthful and why ?

(b)The eye is an extension of your brain and the window to your soul. Do you agree or disagree ? Why?

(c) What factors contribute to the appearance of a person?Whnt can the person communicate through his/her appearance ?

(d) Write only the IPL symbols of the vowel contained in the following words :

Laugh, Serve, Month, Teach

(e) Which IPA symbol would be used to represent the sounds that are heard at the beginning of following words ?

Shoulder, zebra, weigh, youth

(f) Turn the following sentences into passives

(i) I Shall buy the book.
(ii)One must endure what one cannot cure

(g) Apart from using words why do we make gustures and facial expressions ?

(h)Transcribe The following words and mark stress on each transcription:
March, Victory

(i) State wheather the following statement is true or false? Justify your answer briefly. Your communication will be very effective if you use impressive vocabulary and correct grammer.

(j)Correct the errors in the following statements.

(a)Your father is a doctor, is not it ?

(b)The leader of this large group of industries have been carefully chosen.

2. Professional communication is speciallised in more concentrated form of general communication, but it shares all the lectures of communication. Do you agree ? Discuss any five significant point of difference between general communication and professional communication. 10

3. Explain the process of communication through a diagram depliciting the essential components of the process. .10

4. Mark stress and Intonation in the following Sentences:
(i) One of my sisters lives in Delhi.
(ii) What is the meaning of this word ?
(iii) Clean up the floor atter you've finished your work.
(iv) have you seen my vehicle or not ?
(v) I feel this matter should be closed.

5. How do you interpret the following non-verbal cues being sent by others ? Do they always mean the same to you ? What role does the context play in your interpretation? Yawning, keeping silent after a question or remark, droping shoulders, leaning on a chair, raised eyebrows. standing off. and clearing the throat off and on. 10

6.(a) 'Your audience receives the message exactly as you intend it to be. Do you agree or disagree with this statement ?Justify your answer? 5

(b) What are the functions of intonation ? Give examples for each functions, 5

7.Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets : 10
(i) My brother________(live) in Kolkata and______ (work) in the bank.
(ii)He should not have_______ (go) to the conference on Friday.
(iii)My friend_______(talk) to me everyday.
(iv)He____(leave)his wallet in the common room. he did not_____(find)it when he went back.
(v)It______(drizzle) when Mina went out.but she didn't take the umbrella with her. (vi) The Mother______(weep)with joy when she saw her son. (vii) Ravi______ (Meet ) the principal yesterday and______(discuss)his problem.

8. Write a conditional statement based on the following information.5
(i) Hyderabad is an interesting city. Be sure to visit the Golkonda Fort.
(ii)You don't want to water the plants. So i refuse to clean the door.
(iii)They have forecast rain tomorrow. I'll carry my umbrella.
(iv)I agree to buy vegetables for you, 1 want you to feed my dog in my absence.
(v) You are trying to get a study loan. The United Bank of India is the bank for You.

(b) Identify the wrong sentences and correct5
(i) Ill news travel fast.
(ii)There is no trees in the village.
(iii) Some people dislike travelling by sea, as it make them sea-sick.
(iv) The tallest of the three girls lives next door to me.
(v) One of the pupils in our class

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