

PHP function list with example

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Function Name Description
Function Name Description
rand() Used to generates a random integer.
mt_rand() Used to generates a secure random integer.
strcmp() Used to compares two strings.
trim() Used to removes whitespace and other predefined characters from both sides of a string.
substr() Used to returns a part of a string.
strlen() Used to returns the length of a string.
echo() Used to returns the length of a stringoutputs one or more strings.
isset() Used to determine if a variable is set or not.
count() Used to count the number of elements in an array.
mail() Used to send emails.
extract() Used to imports variables into the local symbol table from an array.
addcslashes() Used to add backslashes in front of the specified characters.
bin2hex() Used to converts a string of ASCII characters to hexadecimal values.
htmlentities() htmlentities() function used to converts characters to HTML entities.
strrev() strrev() function used to get reverses of a string.
strtoupper() strtoupper() function is used to converts a string to uppercase.
strtolower() strtolower() function is used to converts a string to lowercase.
