Function Name | Description |
Function Name | Description |
rand() | Used to generates a random integer. |
mt_rand() | Used to generates a secure random integer. |
strcmp() | Used to compares two strings. |
trim() | Used to removes whitespace and other predefined characters from both sides of a string. |
substr() | Used to returns a part of a string. |
strlen() | Used to returns the length of a string. |
echo() | Used to returns the length of a stringoutputs one or more strings. |
isset() | Used to determine if a variable is set or not. |
count() | Used to count the number of elements in an array. |
mail() | Used to send emails. |
extract() | Used to imports variables into the local symbol table from an array. |
addcslashes() | Used to add backslashes in front of the specified characters. |
bin2hex() | Used to converts a string of ASCII characters to hexadecimal values. |
htmlentities() | htmlentities() function used to converts characters to HTML entities. |
strrev() | strrev() function used to get reverses of a string. |
strtoupper() | strtoupper() function is used to converts a string to uppercase. |
strtolower() | strtolower() function is used to converts a string to lowercase. |