How to store multiple fetch data in a variable and use it in MySql where Clause

In this example we store the multiple fetch data in an array and use the array in MySql where clause to retrive data.


$category = mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM subcategory");
$category_id = [];
while($db_category  = mysqli_fetch_array($category)) {
/* print_r($category_id); */
$category_name= mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM category where id IN ('" . implode("',' ",$category_id) . "')");
while($db_category_name  = mysqli_fetch_array($category_name)) {
    echo $db_category_name["category_name"].'<br>';

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1040): Too many connections in /www/wwwroot/ on line 15
Could not Connect My Sql:Too many connections